Cyber Forensics
We conduct thorough forensic investigations to uncover the root cause of security incidents and identify the perpetrators. Our experts can identify, extract, and analyze digital evidence from computers, mobile devices, networks, and cloud storage. We can recover lost or deleted data from damaged or compromised devices, ensuring that critical information is preserved for legal or investigative purposes. Our team members are experienced in providing expert witness testimony in court cases related to cybercrime and digital forensics. We maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and data security throughout the entire investigation process, and ensure that all activities adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, such as ISO/IEC 27037:2012.

0-Day Discovery
We offer security research services to identify zero-day vulnerabilities across a variety of technologies, including major OS desktop platforms, embedded and IoT systems, mobile devices, COTS products, and more. Our services utilize the latest state-of-the art methods for static and dynamic analysis combined with our innovative capabilities to provide clients with bespoke solutions. We deploy automated tooling and workflows to find low-level vulnerabilities in complex targets at scale. Our security research team has extensive expertise in reverse engineering, vulnerability research, capability development, fuzzing, emulation, and applying AI/ML to cybersecurity. Our researchers often compete in and win CTFs, including the DEF CON IoT CTF (Black Badge), and publish CVEs through the responsible disclosure process.